Wednesday 7 December 2011

What a Tuesday

My roster has been changed around a bit, so yesterday I woke up at 5.30am to be at work in time for my 7.30am start. I got through the usual ritual; shower, dressed, breakfast. Then when I'm all ready I just double check that I do start at 7.30, and no. I start at 10am. I could have slept in for another few hours. Great.
So when 9.15 finally rolls around I hop in the car and hope I can find a free park at work. I arrive at work, brush my hair, and reach over to the passenger seat to grab my shoes. When I realize I cleaned out my car on the weekend and took my 4 pairs of shoes out. So I've arrived at a Medical surgery with no shoes.. Decided to rush in (bare footed), and tell the girls I have to duck into the shopping center in the next block to buy a new pair of closed in shoes. Thank goodness I usually arrive 10mins early, and this day was no exception.
I dash to the nearest shoe shop and scan for the (only) pair of closed in shoes. They were exactly the same as the pair I have at home, except these were just over $80. With no time to fuss over shopping around to another shoe shop, I go to the register to pay for the pricey mistake. 
The lady laughed at my story of why I was shopping bare footed, but when the time came to swipe my card -error refer to bank- flashed.
Blushing I said that I just had to dash to the bank next door. Still barefooted I stood in line, at the bank,to withdraw out of another account. By this stage I was quite flustered. My usually quiet phone decided to ring while I was being served, I quickly and apologetically took the call from the RSPCA (I'd recently become a foster carer), and finally I had enough cash to buy the shoes and head back to work. Fingers crossed that I wouldn't jinx anything I rushed back to the shoe store (had to wait while the lady serving was having a particularly lengthy discussion with a customer) and FINALLY bought new shoes!
When I got back to work it turned out I wasn't even 10mins late. Its amazing how much can happen in such a short time.

1 comment:

Kristy Berridge said...

Ha! sounds like the time I wore my slippers to my book signing and screamed 'FARK' at the top of my voice in the car park. Good times.