Sunday, 13 May 2007

Happy Mothers day!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Mothers Day to all the mums out there!!!!!!!!!! We had a great day, mum was woken up at some godly hour of the morning, by my littlest brother Fletcher, wanting to give her his present. Mum had a great day, we had a lovely sail from Musket Cove to Navini Island. AND.... OUR MAIL HAS ARRIVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay!!!!! We'll be able to head off in a day or two. Well I'm really tied, night.


Boatwoman said...

Hi Estelle.
You have the perfect life as do I. I live on the canals in the UK. I will enjoy reading your life afloat.
Kind regards.... Jo

Estelle said...

Hello Jo,
I would love to cruise the UK canals, and so would my mum. My dad has got a website as well -