Wednesday, 12 March 2014

A Little Bit Of Me

I was cleaning out old files on my computer, when I found this from a few years ago. It is from a darker time in my life, but I thought it was a beautiful piece of writing.

I have a shell. Its huge and thick and has lots of layers. Mum thinks its like a clam shell, I can 'clam up' or 'open up slightly'. I think it's more like a big wall enclosing me like a bubble. I built it up myself, some parts I don't remember putting there, others are there for specific reasons. It just seems to get bigger and thicker as the years go by. Also it's heavy. Very heavy. Sometimes I feel like if I went in the water I would sink fast to the bottom like a cannonball. Other times I feel like it's magnetic, pulling me home or away from people. But most of the time I feel like I just want to disappear into my night time dreams and never wake up. In my dreams I can be anything, do anything, and I'm light as a feather. I often dream of flying, or doing things that I've never done before with confidence. Then I wake up and feel my shell again. It makes it hard to get out of bed, and most days I try to disappear back into my dreams with no success. I look forward to disappearing into sleep again, and I wait for the day to pass by.

I don't believe in depression, stupid mental illnesses causes by yourself. One can't see it or test it, and it can be completely made up for some stupid reason like getting medical attention. I don't like the idea of suicide, dad says one has to be extremely strong to kill yourself, I wouldn't be able to. I'm to much of a coward. In my mind I don't want to hurt others with my death, but in reality I already hurt people with my shell. It feels wrong when my body inflicts pain on its self. Even just when I have to make myself vomit. I'd never be able to cut myself on purpose. I can't even get an eating disorder, I only vomit when I feel really sick. Yet society has found a way to slowly kill many more people, much more effective than cutting yourself, or suicide. Food. Bad foods. Junk foods. Sugar.

I don't want to study. I don't feel ready to start being responsible, I don't want to make decisions that cost a lot. I don't want to start labeling myself and entering the serious working scene. In my mind I want to travel, go places, do things, just me and Calypso driving. Maybe taking heaps of photos, go to sailing events with my jetski and waterproof camera. But in reality I just want to stay here, and do nothing, see no one, and disappear in my bed of dreams.

I don't want to waste my life, not when there's so many people that would give anything for mine. I am extremely grateful for everything, I'm not stupid I know how good I've got it, and how easy I've got it. But I know I could make it better. I also know that I am wasting my life. I know that I need to loose weight, and maybe then I'll be more motivated. But food gives me an instant satisfaction that nothing else can, or at least not one that is so easy. I'm stuck in a rut. I've been stuck in a rut for the past 6 years. And I've run out of solutions.

You can put all this down to exam stress, death of a relative, my having done nothing for the past 2 weeks, or something else. But the truth is that I've thought this way for so long, and just never put it on paper.

The End